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Supercharge Your Child’s Writing Abilities
With techniques from Harvard and IB Curriculum

Book A Trial Class To Understand Your Child’s Linguistics Skills

Rated 5 Stars️ by Our Parents and Students
A Note From Our Founder
Having been an MOE English and Literature teacher as well as having taught the IB curriculum at SOTA, I’ve seen too many students feeling uninterested in writing. I don’t blame them as the education system is meant to teach a basic level of English fluency to as many students as possible, mostly through rote memorization and rigid structures. However, a lot of students feel disconnected from the stories they were made to write.

I felt there was something that could be done to unleash the creativity that I see in my students. After graduating from Harvard University with my Masters Degree in Education, I found that the solution is in marrying arts and writing. Adapting the lessons I had learned from Harvard to suit our Singaporean context, and fusing them with the best practices of the IB curriculum, I created our signature Artistic Writing™ programme.

It has been a resounding success with students of all ages, focusing their creative energies through various fun and engaging activities that helps them to learn in an interactive manner. The way children learn best.

While grades are an important aspect of the Singapore education system, that’s not the only yardstick we use to measure our success. The joy we see in the eyes of our students when they learn, developing them into critical thinkers and confident communicators with original and insightful ideas fill me and my teachers with much pride and satisfaction.

After all, children’s education isn’t just about them regurgitating the syllabus, but it should be about children gaining an in-depth understanding and applying themselves.

Now more than ever, the most successful people are the ones who are able to effectively communicate their ideas. No matter how smart a person is, they wouldn’t be able to shine unless they can communicate effectively. The skills that we inculcate in your children will give them a head start in both their academic pursuits and their future careers.
Claudine Fernandez
Yours in Partnership,
Finally, No More Second-Guessing Your Child’s Abilities
Attend the trial class and join in the engaging activities planned for your child. We’ll not only teach your child how to formulate ideas and write better, but also assess your child’s English aptitude, creativity and critical thinking skills.
We will carry out a diagnostic assessment of your child based on the trial class, based on 5 categories. You’ll get a debrief of your child after the trial class to understand how your child performs on their language skills, social emotional skills, creativity and more.
You’ll receive your personalised report on your child’s performance, including their strengths and weaknesses within 2-3 working days of their trial class.
Sample of a student’s diagnostic (name redacted for privacy).
Bonus: We will also share many more easy-to-apply tips and actionable techniques with your child to help them improve their writing.
After your child’s Trial Class, you’ll not only understand the strengths and weaknesses of your child, where and how they can improve, but also learn how they fare against their peers.
The trial class is not just a session for your child to learn how to ideate and construct their writing in a systematic way, but also for you to understand their aptitude in various aspects.

The children who’ve previously attended our trial classes have found great value in not just how to write more effectively, but also discovered how to correct common and unnecessary mistakes. That even includes those who were already performing at an advanced level. Their parents got to understand not just their child’s language skills, but also their creativity, analytical skills and how their child interacted with their peers.

If you’re clueless about your child’s performance in English writing, or their potential because your child’s school teachers have a limited time to spend during the Parents – Teachers Meeting..

Or if your child is currently struggling with writing and stuck with poor grades despite attending remedial lessons and tuition..

Then attend a Trial Class right now to find out where your child’s “problematic areas” are and how they can improve almost immediately.
Why Choose Artistic Strategies Academy?
Strategic Learning
At Artistic Strategies Academy, we focus on a Strategic Learning Model where your child gets the “best of both worlds” — they not only learn in a creative and engaging way, but they also learn with the best practices of Harvard and the IB Curriculum fused into an age-appropriate standard. Whether your child learns best in a physical environment OR from the comfort of your home where you can keep an eye on their progress, they’ll be learning using our advanced methodology that sets them up for future success.
Personalised Attention
Our small class sizes of 4 students per teacher for physical classes or 2 students per teacher for virtual classes means students get individual attention and care from us. This ensures that your child gets the personal attention they need to excel in writing.
Weekly Progress Report
Have you ever asked your child what they learnt at school and got a flippant reply? Fret not, at ASA, we keep you updated on your child’s progress after every class. Access your child’s progress report from the convenience of your smartphone and understand their performance, as well as their growth in abilities from week to week.
Check out the sample report that you’ll be getting (student’s name redacted for privacy purposes). You’ll understand not just your child’s language skills, but also how they connect and communicate with their peers, their creativity, their analytical prowess as well as their propensity for reflection. Plus, you’ll see your child’s progress from week to week and be able to spot any issues immediately.
What do Parents Have to Say About Artistic Strategies Academy?
Mother of Justin and Joey
“ASA is more than just about grades, they inculcated a passion for learning in my boys.”

“My boys used to be unenthusiastic about writing, seeing it as a dreaded chore. Joey was naturally shy while Justin just wanted to get it done and over with, which led to him getting penalised for sloppy work, dampening his learning spirit. That wasn’t what I wanted for my kids.

However, in ASA, Justin and Joey were participative in the lessons. I was surprised that even at 5 years old, Joey was highly engaged in class. They were with Teacher Claudine, Damian and Mag. Their attitude towards learning changed for the better, with Justin now putting in effort in his writing and even referring to his checklist for areas he was struggling with previously. Joey became more expressive and confident in presenting himself, not just in writing but in person too.

As a mother, I enjoyed seeing the tremendous growth in my kids. I made the right choice with ASA.”
Mother of Loubna

“I went from seeing Loubna in tears over her compo writing to being able to write effectively, expressing herself.”

Loubna is creative and loves reading, but the transition from pre-school to primary school was a huge challenge for her, especially with compo writing. She didn’t know how to pen down her ideas and couldn’t focus properly. As other parents might know, sometimes we feel frustrated enough with our children’s composition that we take over the assignment for them. I was guilty of that too as it was tough to see your own daughter in tears from writing.

After attending ASA, Loubna became enthusiastic about her writing, and her interest towards writing grew exponentially. Now she’s upset if she can’t come for her classes, even in the midst of her exams. Not only did her writing improve and she’s more able to express herself in her compositions, we’re able to have better and more open conversations.

I highly recommend ASA for parents who want their kids to learn in a fun way. The focus isn’t just on the end results but in the learning process, allowing my daughter’s potential to be unleashed.

Siau Yin
Mother of Joshua
“As a parent, seeing your child looking forward to learning is a great feeling.”

“While Joshua always loved to read, writing is a world of difference. Getting him to write one sentence was like squeezing blood from a stone. I tried to guide him, but got nowhere with him, so I approached Claudine to take him on as a student even though he was only in K2.

The change was instantaneous. Now he has no qualms about writing and will happily do so until he’s tired. His pre-school teachers also noticed the change in him, stating that while he used to be distracted and not be able to complete his journaling, he’s now writing so much that they were really surprised.

I’m grateful that while ASA has a curriculum, Joshua’s interest is being taken into account and he gets to write about his favourite deep sea creatures. He’s always looking forward to the next class and that’s the best endorsement that anyone can give.”
Revealing Our Success Blueprint For Effective Writers
Research shows us that well over 80% of us are visual learners, and so, the best way to learn is with visual aids. More importantly, young children learn better with different visual aids. And yet, composition writing in schools is traditionally taught based on narrow topics with simplistic narratives that do not challenge the students.

The truth is, for your child to develop a good foundation in writing, they will have to be actively engaged in topics that interest them. Only then will they have the incentive to improve their writing and communication skills. Have you ever noticed that when your child shares something that they’re excited about, they can’t seem to stop talking about it?

As a Certified Behavioural Consultant and an Educator (Master’s Degree in education from Harvard University) with more than 15 years of experience in the field, Claudine, Founder of Artistic Strategies Academy, has deep insights into children’s learning behaviour and developed strategies to keep them engaged in writing.
With our R-I-V-E-R Framework, your child will learn how to structure and format their writing. They will learn to reflect on what they are writing, who their audiences are and techniques to kickstart the brainstorming process that works for them. Your child will also be taught to visualise with guided templates and visual organisers, before translating those thoughts into a coherent piece of writing.

Finally, we’ll also teach your child how to revise and improve on their writing so that they can be proud of every piece they write.

Utilising our success blueprint, hundreds of our students have been able to improve their writing, surprise their teachers in school as well as win accolades and even become published authors! All students, including your child, can use and apply our success blueprint even if they are currently struggling with writing right now. No more tears and frustration when it comes to writing and communicating their ideas.
Who We Help
🧒🏼 Preschool Children

Your preschool child is learning about the world around them. Being able to communicate and think will allow them to articulate their feelings and thoughts. They will have their first brush with penning their thoughts on paper. A proper foundation will reduce any struggles they might have when they enter primary school.

👩🏻 Lower Primary Students
Writing in English is no longer a walk in the park for lower primary students, as they will be assessed on their writing abilities — whether they like writing or not. Their schools will only give them the basic structure, and they will compete for attention with over 30 other students.
👧 Upper Primary Students
Students will face their first national level examination with the PSLE and will be graded on their Achievement Level. With our success blueprint, hundreds of our students have been able to improve their writing even if they are currently struggling with writing. No more tears and frustration when it comes to writing and communicating their ideas.
🧑🏻 Secondary Students

Needless to say, when your child advances to secondary school, the level of competition will be on a whole new level. Higher demands from teachers, more subjects to focus on, and less time to do it all, it’s easy for students to get neglected. By building a firm foundation in writing, your child will also be able to excel in other subjects as they interpret, analyse and respond to the questions better.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • At ASA, we use various art forms as a tool to ignite the imagination of your child. Your child will learn various techniques and utilise art-centred pre-writing activities and games that engage their analytical and creative thinking.
  • Our programmes are developed based on extensive research surrounding the arts and education, namely the theory of Constructivism. We acknowledge the current stage of your child’s learning ability and our tiered programmes are tailored to inspire them to push the boundaries and to think outside the box when applying honed writing skills.
  • We do not use outdated rote-learning and memorization techniques. At ASA’s Artistic Writing™ Programme, your child will acquire the creative writing skills of creating and visualising their concepts, ideating, planning and organising their thoughts into a coherent written piece that they can be proud of. 
  • More than just writing, they will learn how to think critically, evaluate their ideas, and how to communicate their thoughts effectively. The skills they learn will help them not just in their English composition and writing papers, but allow them to be effective communicators in the future. 
  • In all our classes, we adopt a facilitative approach where our teachers guide, initiate and motivate your child to learn. This approach, usually only utilised in higher learning institutions, will enable your child to become adept at problem-solving; applying independent, analytical, critical and creative problem-solving skills acquired in their writing endeavours; confidently taking ownership of their voices and opinions.
  • ASA’s signature Artistic Writing™ Programme is curated for young writers aged 6 to 14.
  • We only allow a maximum of 4 students to a teacher to ensure that your child has the attention and guidance they need.
  • We do not collect additional fees apart from the programme package fee.
  • We do not conduct classes on Public Holidays.
  • We understand that your child might be unable to attend a class due to various reasons, and we allow up to 4 replacement classes without any penalty. Just inform us should your child be unable to attend a lesson; preferably with advance notice.
  • Our weekly lesson lasts 1.5 hours. Your child will be engaged in consistent writing practice through fun, interactive and hands-on pre-writing activities and games. On average, your child will go through three assignments each week with personalised feedback from our teachers. You’ll be able to access your progress update detailing your child’s strengths and areas of improvement after their lessons.
Hear Even More From Our Parents!
Raymond Yeong
Father of Cayden

A big thanks to Teacher Claudine & her teachers in coaching our son Cayden so well. After his lessons, Cayden showed me his work, and after reading through, I found that his writing has improved greatly.

I’m impressed by how much more expressive his writing is and how he develops his ideas. He puts in more effort in his writing which really shows, and he has set higher standards for his compositions.

Chris Khoo
Mother of Caitlyn
The Young Author’s Program was an eye opener for my daughter as she discovered how a book is published from scratch.

Under the guidance of her teachers at ASA, she prepared a storyboard, edited her work and illustrated her story. She also learnt how to come up with a timeline and plan her project accordingly. From a blank sheet of paper to holding the physical book in her hand, it was a great journey and a huge achievement for my daughter. A big thank you to Ms Claudine and team! 😉

Highly Recommended!
Ridzwan Latiff
Father of Naila
Teachers Claudine and Nicole are able to engage our introverted daughter in doing her writing. Prior to joining ASA, our daughter faced issues with grammar and wasn’t very creative.

After going for classes at ASA, her writing has improved, and she’s able to write longer and more interesting stories, utilising the techniques taught to her. Not only that, but she has more interest in reading too.
Writing is About Communicating Effectively
Regardless of how smart your child is, they wouldn’t be perceived as such if they cannot communicate their thoughts and ideas to the people around them.

Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi — they were all able to translate the thoughts in their heads into words that reached out to vast amounts of people, influencing history for generations.v

Like any concerned parent, you’d only want the best for your child. Teaching them how to communicate effectively is one of the best skills you can impart to them that will not only improve their grades in school but stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Don’t let your child be daunted by the act of translating their thoughts into words.

At the very least, they should sit for a trial class to learn some tips and our R-I-V-E-R technique that can help them score better on their next composition. Secure your slot for the Trial Class and get your child’s Diagnostic from us today.
Fill in the Form to Book Your Child’s Trial Class. Limited Slots Available.
At Artistic Strategies Academy, we combine the best educational practices from Harvard University and the IB Curriculum, pairing it with a holistic approach to engage your child. This not only makes learning fun for your children, but the lessons will stay with them for a long time.

We believe in nurturing youths who are confident in writing and in articulating their thoughts in a well-rounded manner. The greatest indicator of success for us comes from our student’s joy in learning, seeing their development into critical thinkers who can confidently communicate their ideas, written, spoken or otherwise.

As we adults know, the most successful people aren’t the ones who are merely able to do and think, but are also able to effectively communicate their ideas. The skills your child learns at Artistic Strategies Academy will give them a head start among their peers, both academically and in their future careers.

And your child will thank you for it.