Ever wondered how well our teachers know the students here at ASA? 

With so many children taking both our online and in-person classes and holiday programs, we have a lot to keep track of here at Artistic Strategies Academy as well. Often in a class of more than 40 in school, it is difficult to get to know a child deeply because teachers are pressurised to finish teaching the syllabus.

A child’s individuality can often get lost in the sea of faces we see every single day. Yet, we make it our utmost commitment to ensure that your child’s needs and requirements are met for we believe that every child is unique, with different talents, different interests, and personalities. 

Here’s the ASA method of getting to know a student!

This is where ASA’s personalized teaching can truly go a long way. Even though it has been a widespread concept for ages, what does it truly mean and how do we implement it and see results?

At ASA, we believe that getting to know our students and understanding the “ins and outs” of their minds is the best way to truly engage with them and ensure that we are delivering the child-centric approach we espouse as an institution for creative writing. For instance, we have a database that doesn’t just include the names and levels of each child, but also their interests and their personality traits using the DISC profiling tool. 

Additionally, our teachers are also required to input data on approaches that have worked for the child and also the learning needs of every student. We also need to acknowledge that these might change over time and the database has to be continuously updated. The database ensures that all teachers will be kept up to speed when they encounter different students.

This database is invaluable and of significant importance because we need to meet the children at a middle ground so that we are not imposing a specific method of teaching or uniform teaching approach on them. Rather than stifling their learning process and experience, we need to also adapt to their learning curves and potential so that they can thrive and excel more smoothly and quickly. 

Understanding the requirements of various students

It is first important to understand how children want to be treated and represented as both individuals and by extension, learners. Some children may want their achievements to be celebrated and are willing to take control of their learning whilst others take more time to come out of their shells and may want any successes to be downplayed. Teachers should be attentive to how children learn best so that they are able to tailor their methods and approaches accordingly.

For example, if Child X is someone who prefers to stick to her comfort zone and does not like to take risks, then pressuring her to do so would only make her only retreat further. She would view learning as a chore rather than an experience. However, if we give her time to think and get her to take baby steps while reassuring her that she will be safe, then she is more likely to move forward and make progress. 

On the other hand, if Child Y is motivated by achieving goals, then we set clear goals for him to achieve throughout the course of the lesson. We need to set him up for success to reach these goals so he has a clear end in mind and will gather the motivation and incentive to work hard. 

At ASA, our various trial and weekly classes as well as our upcoming holiday programs incorporate these important personalized teaching approaches. We constantly strive to deliver the best child-centric learning approach for our students so that no child ever feels left out or unguided in their learning endeavors. 

For more information on our weekly classes, please visit https://www.artisticstrategies.com.sg/classes/artistic-writing

For more information on our holiday programmes, please visit https://www.artisticstrategies.com.sg/classes/holidayprogrammes