These masterclasses are designed as individual modules offering practical writing strategies which children can easily incorporate into their existing writing practice—no matter what stage they are at. Easy access to the masterclasses gives your child the opportunity to work at their own time and pace by revisiting and revising the various modules.

What makes these masterclasses different from others?

As a veteran English and literature teacher, Claudine Fernandez has spent more than 16 years teaching and assessing children at different levels in the Singapore school system, gaining insight into what makes or breaks a child’s writing practice. She combines these observations with her unique yet genial personality to effectively draw out the writer in your child, using a learning format that can cater to different learning styles.


Key Features:

  1. Instant

Have a teacher at your fingertips. Stream a tutorial anytime and anywhere to access new writing techniques or revise for retention. And because each module is broken down into smaller chunks of 4 to 5 minutes each, it is easy to launch into the learning or to catch up from where you have left off, making it easy for you to tap into your child’s golden moments for learning. Every week, a new module will be released, giving children the time and space to process and apply the learning for every module.


2. Memorable

Has your child ever studied something over and over again and yet failed to recall it later? Writing can be a complex and stressful activity, but learning how to write well need not be so. Teacher Claudine presents the information in a soothing yet encouraging tone while keeping the content fun and relatable. By situating the material and examples in context using visuals, sound and meaningful elaboration, children are better able to encode the learning in their memory and retrieve it later.


3. Interactive

Your child will experience the classes as though he or she was having a close conversation with a trusted mentor. Not only that, worksheets are included as part of the bundle, giving your child a chance to digest and practise what they have just learnt. Once completed, your child will receive feedback directly from Teacher Claudine on how well he or she has applied the knowledge. This will help your child take ownership of their learning. Lost track of which module they are on? Simply check the progress bar.


What’s in each module?

  1. Flashy Flashbacks

Learn about the purpose of writing flashbacks and how flashbacks can enhance your writing.

✅  Coffee, T-E-E or me? Find out how to use the T-E-E formula to shape a solid flashback.
✅  Analyse a scene in the movie “Coco” to gain new insights on the use of flashbacks.
✅  Understand how you can connect the flashback with the rest of your story and how to come out of it.

       2. Make a Scene

Do you want to make your scenes more vivid? What must your character say, do, or think? Most importantly, how do we put everything into a coherent paragraph?

✅  Exactly how much or how little must you write to flesh out your scene? Let the HEART formula guide you.

✅  What is imagery and how does it help your reader? Practise crafting a scene with imagery using our bonus handouts.

✅  The STARF formula is another technique that will help you develop compelling characters in your scene.

        3. Writing Dynamic Dialogue

You have been advised to include dialogue in your stories and compositions, but do you know why?

✅  Uncover the many important roles that dialogue plays in narrative writing and discern between dynamic dialogue and just plain ol’ dialogue.

✅  Dialogue does not sit on its own. Discover what else goes with it.

✅  Analyse how dialogue can be crafted for a conversation between a father and son in a short animated film. Then, practise crafting your own.

        4. End with a Bang

Write powerful conclusions that stand out and leave a strong impression on your reader.

✅  Identify common ‘flaws’ to avoid repeating them when writing up conclusions.

✅  Appreciate the characteristics of an impactful conclusion through a scene from the movie, ‘Wonder’. These will make your story truly unforgettable.

✅  Practise making your conclusion robust by reflecting on the movie character’s experience as well as your own life-changing experience.



1) How will this help my child in the PSLE?

When marking Paper 1 scripts, the PSLE markers keep a lookout for originality and well-expressed writing instead of writing that sounds ‘run-of-the mill’. The techniques learnt in this masterclass series will give your child’s PSLE script an edge and allow it to ‘stand out’ more.​

2) What age is this suitable for?

Children aged 10 to 12.

3) How do I access the masterclasses after I have paid for them?

Once you have made payment, you will receive unique login details that you can use immediately to access the classes and the contents.


4) If my child doesn’t attend a local school or study the MOE syllabus, will he/she still benefit from this?

Absolutely. The techniques that your child will learn from this course can be applied to any form of narrative writing.

5) How will my child submit his/her work for marking?

For Lifetime Access members, they can submit a soft copy of their work via email to and the subject heading ‘My Masterclass homework’ and it’ll be marked by our founder and Principal Instructor, Teacher Claudine.


6) How many rounds of feedback will be given to my child after he/she submits the work?

Teacher Claudine will mark the work once and return it back to your child for review within 2 working days.


7)  If my child struggles with the fundamental skills of writing, for example, grammar and incorrect phrasing, would these masterclasses be suitable?

Children who have mastered the basics are likely to benefit more from this series. If you would like your child to strengthen his/her foundation, do consider the regular weekly classes that we hold both online and in person. You can also speak to us so that we may recommend an appropriate course of action.


8. Does my child have to complete the masterclasses in chronological order?

Every week, a new module is released. It is recommended that your child finishes one module before moving on to the next.


There are two payment options:

  1. One-time payment of $199, which includes these bonuses:

🌟  Lifetime Access to 23 videos

🌟  Personalised Feedback given by our founder, Teacher Claudine

🌟  Empowerment Pack to excel in writing worth $58

🌟  A trial class worth $30 (online or face-to-face)

    2. Subscription of $20/month. Cancel anytime!


Ready to jump in? Click here!