Will ChatGPT ever replace writing?

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy With the rise of ChatGPT and other AI tools, one can’t help but wonder, “‘Would this make writing redundant?’ In some cases, ChatGPT and AI do have their uses in easing the process of writing. But can it make writing redundant? Hardly. Writing is not just […]

2 Important Things that Children Miss Out in Writing!

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy Are your children finding it difficult to express their own emotions? Do they find it difficult to read non-verbal cues or to really understand what others may be feeling? This is actually completely normal because research has shown that the parts of the brain which are […]

The #1 fear that children may have about writing

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy One of the most prominent fears that many students have is not doing well. The same goes for their written work. Sometimes, we witness our students erasing all their writing after spending so much time on it. When we ask them why they did that, they […]

Preparing an English Writing portfolio for DSA

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy As a writing coach and an English and Literature teacher for over 15 years, I’ve been guiding students in preparing writing portfolios for both Direct School Admissions and the Creative Arts Programme (CAP). Parents have also been asking me about the steps they have to take […]