Will ChatGPT ever replace writing?

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy With the rise of ChatGPT and other AI tools, one can’t help but wonder, “‘Would this make writing redundant?’ In some cases, ChatGPT and AI do have their uses in easing the process of writing. But can it make writing redundant? Hardly. Writing is not just […]

2 Important Things that Children Miss Out in Writing!

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy Are your children finding it difficult to express their own emotions? Do they find it difficult to read non-verbal cues or to really understand what others may be feeling? This is actually completely normal because research has shown that the parts of the brain which are […]

The #1 fear that children may have about writing

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy One of the most prominent fears that many students have is not doing well. The same goes for their written work. Sometimes, we witness our students erasing all their writing after spending so much time on it. When we ask them why they did that, they […]

Preparing an English Writing portfolio for DSA

Written by Claudine Fernandez, Founder of Artistic Leadership Academy As a writing coach and an English and Literature teacher for over 15 years, I’ve been guiding students in preparing writing portfolios for both Direct School Admissions and the Creative Arts Programme (CAP). Parents have also been asking me about the steps they have to take […]

3 ways that your child may be shortchanged (and what you can do about it)

As a student, I didn’t like school. Learning was never fun for me and I just went through the motions because I knew that’s what my parents wanted me to do. However, I was blessed enough to score well enough for the PSLE to attend the top secondary girls’ school in Singapore. Most of my teachers […]

How to score in PSLE composition writing and beyond…

Our founder, Claudine Fernandez shares tips from PSLE markers below on how to ace the Continuous Writing Section of English Paper 1 coming up in end-September. Vary your use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Show, not tell. There is no need for overly complex vocabulary; what is more important is to use the appropriate word […]

3 ways to deliver good feedback

3 Ways to Deliver Good Feedback Dear Parents and Educators, When we are giving feedback to our children about their written work, it is important that we carefully word our feedback so as to boost children’s confidence, but also to guide them in addressing their areas of improvement. Feedback has to be balanced and objective. […]

Important tips on reading

Elaine Chiew is an author, researcher, educator and an arts and culture reviewer. She has written a number of short stories, several of which have won international writing awards. She also edited the anthology Cooked Up: Food Fiction From Around the World. Elaine is no stranger to Artistic Strategies Academy. She has mentored several batches of […]

Developing an Innovator’s Mindset in our Children


Many of us are familiar with the Growth Mindset, discovered by Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology. Such a mindset is encouraged in both children and adults because it is the belief that the “most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work”. (Growth Mindset Definition). Yet, George Couros, an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and […]

Writing Can (and Should be) Planned


There’s a famous saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” While this paints the worst case scenario, planning before writing can certainly improve the quality of the writing and also make the process easier. Here’s why planning should be done : 1) The beginning is almost always the hardest and […]

Common Mistakes in Writing


[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Common Mistakes in Writing Based on our observations, many students (both upper primary and lower primary students) make these mistakes unknowingly and it is hard to reverse these mistakes when they become bad habits. However, with the right intervention, it is possible. Here are some common errors to look out for in your […]

5 Elements of Good Storytelling


What does it take to write a good story? Perhaps, you could start with these five essential elements of storytelling. 1. Well-rounded characters Well-rounded characters are based on real life characters. Take a look at your favourite characters from books or the movies. What are they like? What outstanding traits do they have and how […]