Success Stories of our Students, K and K


Two sisters ? ? were enrolled in our weekly classes in January 2018. We shall call them elder K (who is 9 years’ old) and younger K (who is 7 years’ old). When they first started attending our classes, they were both struggling with the English language. Elder K had already been diagnosed with dyslexia […]

Developing an Innovator’s Mindset in our Children


Many of us are familiar with the Growth Mindset, discovered by Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology. Such a mindset is encouraged in both children and adults because it is the belief that the “most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work”. (Growth Mindset Definition). Yet, George Couros, an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and […]

Writing Can (and Should be) Planned


There’s a famous saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” While this paints the worst case scenario, planning before writing can certainly improve the quality of the writing and also make the process easier. Here’s why planning should be done : 1) The beginning is almost always the hardest and […]

Common Mistakes in Writing


[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Common Mistakes in Writing Based on our observations, many students (both upper primary and lower primary students) make these mistakes unknowingly and it is hard to reverse these mistakes when they become bad habits. However, with the right intervention, it is possible. Here are some common errors to look out for in your […]

A Good Writer: Does your child have what it takes?

There is definitely more than one way to gauge whether your child is or can be a good writer. Some may argue that if a student consistently scores high marks for Paper 1 (the written component of the English language examination in local Singaporean schools), he or she is a good writer. While this may […]

5 Elements of Good Storytelling


What does it take to write a good story? Perhaps, you could start with these five essential elements of storytelling. 1. Well-rounded characters Well-rounded characters are based on real life characters. Take a look at your favourite characters from books or the movies. What are they like? What outstanding traits do they have and how […]

5 things to know before signing your children up for writing classes


It is undeniable that writing is an extremely important skill that every child should acquire to not only excel in the present but also to be future-ready. Perhaps, you are a parent who has been considering writing classes for your child for some time or maybe, you are deliberating between several writing schools. Many parents […]

Our Customised Teaching Approaches

customised_teaching approaches

At Artistic Strategies Academy, we recognise that every child is different and would have different learning needs. Therefore, after conducting a diagnostic test for our students, we are able to ascertain the strengths and areas of improvement. We then customise our teaching methods and at times, our teaching materials to suit the needs of the […]

Enrolling Children in Writing Competitions


The idea of entering a writing competition may seem daunting to many (adults and children alike). However, at Artistic Strategies Academy, we believe in creating opportunities for our students to participate in writing competitions, both local and international. Here are three reasons why we enrol our students in writing competitions: 1. It Builds Confidence When students […]

Tips for Editing Writing


Editing is an essential process in writing. When done right, editing can make the difference between poor writing and good writing or even between good writing and great writing. Many people believe that editing just involves correcting grammatical and spelling errors. However we believe that it is more than that. When editing a paragraph, for […]

Bond with your child in creative ways


Bond with your Child in Creative Ways Here are a few activities that both parents and children can do during the last week of the June school holidays! These activities enable you to spend quality time together while igniting your creativity: 1. Clay Creatures Dabble and experiment with clay to make clay characters. You could […]