The truth is, many parents and educators alike still believe in memorisation techniques when teaching their children. While I do agree that this may work in math and with certain facts that need to be learned, I believe that memorisation will not be the best way when it comes to writing and thinking.

The Monotony of Memorisation

The memorisation of phrases and words that are used all the time in writing make your children’s writing sound like everybody else’s. Children who memorise the same type of phrases or words will simply write in the same dull way where their imagination and creativity will always be restricted. When children memorise and engage in rote learning, they limit themselves to what they have memorised. Imagine children knowing only 2 or 3 ways to describe sadness or happiness without exploring other possible ways or words to express these emotions. They can no longer experiment with the language themselves or learn from their mistakes when they do so. A huge part and parcel of a fruitful and enriching learning experience is having the agency to not only make mistakes but to learn from them as well. 

Another problem with memorising model compositions or essays and regurgitating these is that children will not be trained to think for themselves or develop their own styles of writing. How long could they really go on like this? 

We live in a world where the power of idea creation and independent thinking will only grow more important. This becomes a serious problem when they enter university or the workforce because there are simply no formulas to solving some problems or answering questions, especially when these problems are unprecedented. Real-world solutions to problems can no longer be found in these memorisation models. 

So if not memorisation, then what should they do to become better writers and thinkers? 

ASA’s Solution: 3 Better Alternatives

There is definitely a way for children to come out of the rut that comes with rote learning and memorisation so that they can finally enjoy the learning and creative process.

At Artistic Strategies Academy, there are 3 better alternatives to memorisation and regurgitation that we use when we teach children:

  1. Learn how to adapt good phrases and writing to develop their own style of writing.
  2. Be exposed to different types of writing and different genres of writing so that they can widen their repertoire and imagine different scenarios and situations
  3.  Be taught how to think on the spot to generate ideas and elaborate on these ideas through prompting questions that they will eventually ask themselves.

As the world transforms, there will be a  greater need for creative thinkers and change-makers. It is up to us as educators and teachers to ensure that we equip our students for what is to come and impart the best of our own knowledge and expertise. 

A child’s strength, wit, wisdom and mind can go leaps and beyond what memorisation and rote learning could ever achieve. 

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