Dear Parents,

Have you ever wondered why your child can’t seem to sit still for more than half an hour?

Does your child seem to lack the ability to focus on one task at a time?

Or perhaps, you have even thought that maybe he or she might have ADHD.

But what if I told you that these characteristics are common in today’s children and even normal?

Traditional schooling and learning systems have dictated that children need to be seated when they are being taught something.

This is probably why some or many of you might have gotten feedback from your children’s teachers that he or she needs to focus more.

Or better still, what if I told you that there are credible research studies that show that moving around can actually enhance learning rather than hinder it?

This is why our lessons at Artistic Strategies Academy incorporate movement. For example, when they learn new vocabulary, they engage in movement games. This allows them to learn the spelling of the words better.

Also, when they are engaging in the creative activities, for example, the painting of masks before they write about a character, they are moving their hands and are allowed to stand and paint if they wish to.

Students are not desk-bound all the time.
This might prompt you to ask, ‘But how do they write if they are not sitting down behind a desk?’

Well, since our activities already allow them the freedom of movement, they are not resistant when it’s time to sit down and write. And even if they would like to stand while writing, why not? As long as they are comfortable and they are able to produce quality work.

Here’s a picture of one of our current students, Ray Yang, who is a kinaesthetic learner (someone who learns best by moving). From the picture, you can see how he doesn’t have any problems with sitting down and staying focused on writing when he needs to.

As a Harvard-trained educator for more than 14 years now, I strongly believe in creating the conducive and right environment to suit the child and not forcing to the child to do something against his or her own nature in order to learn.

If you’d like to witness how we incorporate movement in our lessons to help children focus better and communicate better in the English language, do sign up for one of our trial classes here!

Yours in partnership,