My Child Writes Unrealistic Compositions

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Unrealistic compositions: Are they problematic? When your child tells a story, does it tend to be ‘out of this world’ or removed from reality? This is actually quite natural in children’s stories, and even beautiful. With their innocence and childlike naivety, children often generate ideas that are utopia-like or ‘too good to be true’. For […]

How to score in PSLE composition writing and beyond…

Our founder, Claudine Fernandez shares tips from PSLE markers below on how to ace the Continuous Writing Section of English Paper 1 coming up in end-September. Vary your use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Show, not tell. There is no need for overly complex vocabulary; what is more important is to use the appropriate word […]

Important tips on reading

Elaine Chiew is an author, researcher, educator and an arts and culture reviewer. She has written a number of short stories, several of which have won international writing awards. She also edited the anthology Cooked Up: Food Fiction From Around the World. Elaine is no stranger to Artistic Strategies Academy. She has mentored several batches of […]

Developing an Innovator’s Mindset in our Children


Many of us are familiar with the Growth Mindset, discovered by Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology. Such a mindset is encouraged in both children and adults because it is the belief that the “most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work”. (Growth Mindset Definition). Yet, George Couros, an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and […]

Enrolling Children in Writing Competitions


The idea of entering a writing competition may seem daunting to many (adults and children alike). However, at Artistic Strategies Academy, we believe in creating opportunities for our students to participate in writing competitions, both local and international. Here are three reasons why we enrol our students in writing competitions: 1. It Builds Confidence When students […]

Bond with your child in creative ways


Bond with your Child in Creative Ways Here are a few activities that both parents and children can do during the last week of the June school holidays! These activities enable you to spend quality time together while igniting your creativity: 1. Clay Creatures Dabble and experiment with clay to make clay characters. You could […]

Creating a Descriptive Setting


The setting in a story can determine many things. It is not simply the time and place that the story takes place in. The setting also determines the mood and atmosphere in the story, affecting the characters and the plot. For example, if the plot is a tragic one, the setting might be dark and […]

Extrinsic Motivation Can Enhance Learning


At Artistic Strategies Academy, we believe that children should associate positive emotions with learning. We want our students to feel empowered and confident when they learn how to become better writers and communicators. This is why we have a point system that we have developed for our classes. This point system is a form of extrinsic motivation- motivation that comes […]

Supporting Introverted Children in Speaking


Supporting Introverted Children in Speaking In today’s world, it might seem that extroversion is a more highly valued trait than introversion. For example, I have met a good number of parents who lament the fact that their more introverted children are being penalised for not performing well or speaking up during the oral examinations. While […]

Design Thinking: Why Every Child Should Learn It


I was first acquainted with Design Thinking Principles (originally from Stanford University) during one of my courses at Harvard University. The course was entitled “Designing for Learning by Creating”. I was fascinated by how we could all learn to be designers and create the best user experiences for others to improve their lives. Since then, I […]

How Storytelling Can Help Your Child Succeed


In today’s world, it is so important to be able to tell your own story because if you don’t, someone else will tell it for you. Here’s an article that our founder wrote for New Age Parents on the relationship between your child’s success and storytelling! How Storytelling Can Help Your Child To Be Successful […]