3 ways that your child may be shortchanged (and what you can do about it)

As a student, I didn’t like school. Learning was never fun for me and I just went through the motions because I knew that’s what my parents wanted me to do. However, I was blessed enough to score well enough for the PSLE to attend the top secondary girls’ school in Singapore. Most of my teachers […]

The benefits of learning while moving

Have you ever felt frustrated at the fact that your special star just can’t grasp a certain difficult word or phrase? Communicating with our kids is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding parts of parenting. As parents, we’ve all been there – pulling our hair out when we’ve tried every single method to retain […]

Success Stories of our Students, K and K


Two sisters ? ? were enrolled in our weekly classes in January 2018. We shall call them elder K (who is 9 years’ old) and younger K (who is 7 years’ old). When they first started attending our classes, they were both struggling with the English language. Elder K had already been diagnosed with dyslexia […]

Extrinsic Motivation Can Enhance Learning


At Artistic Strategies Academy, we believe that children should associate positive emotions with learning. We want our students to feel empowered and confident when they learn how to become better writers and communicators. This is why we have a point system that we have developed for our classes. This point system is a form of extrinsic motivation- motivation that comes […]